Charitable Act Announcement

Age 37
Texas Army National Guard
He first served the US Marine Corp 1993-2000. Honorably discharged. Then joined the Army National Guard 2009 to help pay for college.
As some of you know, I’m conducting a charitable giveaway with the release of Checkmate. The book will hopefully be all set to go in two months. I just didn’t feel that it was right to ask for a charitable act without doing one of my own. So, I am going to see what I can do to help our wounded troops. I will be contacting VA hospitals and a few organizations to see what can be done. I’m hoping to get some collaboration on this.
This project has nothing to do with the war or political causes. It’s focused solely on the men and women who serve our country, nothing else. This is for them, no one else.
Anyone that helps me with this, donating clothes, supplies, volunteering, will automatically be given a copy of Checkmate. When I announce the project, get it set up and we start making calls, that’s when I’m going to need help. For this project you do not have to wait until the twenty day period during the official charitable act giveaway, but you do have to officially be on my team to do this.
I’ll put up information on the new section of the website that we’re going to try and get up soon for this.
Until then, if you have pictures of a loved one who has served or yourself, in uniform that you would like to share to support this cause, please send the pictures to:
If you don’t want the picture to be on a website, please don’t send it. The pictures will not be used to push any product, but to support the men and women who serve this country.
Thank you,
R.L. Mathewson
Are you already set up with VA’s to help? I am a VA employee and have some connections at various hospitals.
Thank you 🙂 That would be great. Lieve is working hard to get the site up. Christi and I are going to figure out what we want to do, how we can do it and Zach, a very talented young man who is now working with us on this, will be reaching out to people and seeing what he can get done. Any help would be great. Any suggestions you have or information that you would love to share would be great.
I’m very interested in volunteering in the Sacramento, CA area. Do you have a number or site to go to for this area? I did a basic search, but could only come up with job references.
That was directed at Melanie (sorry)! Otherwise, I can wait for the site to be setup.
I can’t wait to help. Let me know what we need to do. This is a wonderful thing and I can’t wait ti get my kids involved! Thank you.
I can’t wait for the release and I’m dying to know what other books will be released and when. Everyday I check iTunes for update about your works! OMGee!!
This is going to be so exciting I can’t wait to help but I need to ask a question because well I am a bitt slow, is this the anoncement for when we need to send in the photos because I thought we needed to hold up a sign?
No, this is for my charitable act, Team NFH. Anyone can join and help out with this and they automatically get a copy of Checkmate when it’s done. I’m asking for pictures of service men and women for the sub domain for this project. The charitable act for the twenty days will occur when the book is done and set to go. My project is aimed at helping our wounded soldiers.
Thank you so much for supporting our servicemen as your act. My father served in Vietnam, and is suffering from Parkinsons due to exposure to agent orange. None of us know what these people experience, and we can never do enough to thank them. I thank you so much for doing this.
I’m sorry about your father. You’re right, we don’t know what they experience. I know it’s not much but I hope this project helps.
I just stumbled upon your page today because I wanted to know more about the author I have taken such a great interest in after reading your books. This is great I would love to help, My father is retired and my husband is a current service member. I have bookmarked your site and will check often on updates about your project.
You could always write a story about a soldier and give the proceeds from that story to a charity of your choice, as well as volunteering time to deliver meals to shut in soldiers who need help. Also you could help spread the word about the high suicide rate of returning soldiers and maybe encourage others to volunteer time with a hotline or something as well. But I think that might be something that could be done with a story about a returning soldier too.
I don’t know if stores in other states do this or not but here in oregon “THE DOLLAR TREE” dollar stores every year put out big bins for people to buy and donate school supplies for the children of our troops so that the familys aren’t so burdened with the expence of school supplies. just thougt I’d let you know some of what oregon does to help support our troops and there families that migt be strugaling at home.
Just wanted to know when we could sign up to donate some cloths and what cloths can we donate.
Hi R.L. Mathewson,
I love your books, I just came across them last week and have already read them. I can not wait for the next one to come out. I have to say I laughed, I cried, I got mad in parts, you really kept me into the series and I cant wait for the next Neighbor from Hell book. You are now on my look out list when I am looking for a book to read.
To tell you about a little about some of the volunteering I do that keeps me busy all year long , I have been a part of our Relay for Life team at our hospital that I work at here in my home town in rural eastern Montana for about 10 years now for the last 5 years I have been co-captain with a co-worker and friend of mine. We raise money to go for Cancer research and a portion of it stays here in our area for help with our cancer patients to help them with gas and hotel expenses, to help get wigs, bras, and so forth. This year our team had a record breaking year for us by raising the most money for our town. We were very proud to be named the the top money raiser this year, we have been close before but never the team to bring in the most money. We do about 10 fundraisers a year, which we have to do on our own time we can not do any of this on company time so I am very proud of the time that my team mates can give up when they can. I do this in memory of my day Harvey who passed away 19 1/2 years ago, the day before my daughter 1st birthday.
This year also I have brought forward in our facility an adopt a troop. We have a National Guard group of young men and women who were shipped out to Afghanistan in late June who have families that work in our facility. The troop is all from around our Eastern Montana towns where we live and I felt that this is our troop that we need to keep in our prays and try to make sure they know we are thinking of them and appreciate what they are doing for us while they are over there keeping us safe everyday. I have a drop off area in my office at work and I am working with one of the soldiers wives to makes sure what they need we can get to them and get it sent. We are going to be sending our first care packages off this week to them and hopefully this will give them some comforts of home. After this first care package I hope they will let me know by email or by letters what they really need and I can put it out to my co-workers and we can get it to them and get it in the mail. They are to be stationed over there for a year to a year and a half so we need to take care of our men and woman over there and let them know we are here for them. I have had a wonderful turn out from my work family with donations of supplies now I need to get everything labeled to be mailed as you have to label each thing that do into the box. I am hoping to get these sent out every month to 6 weeks to them. I am glad my friend who husband is over there is helping as she has done this before and knows how we need to label everything . This is also giving her something keep her busy and not think of what he is doing. they have two little girls under the age of 6 and she needs to keep busy. We have 107 soldier’s in our unit and I want to make sure we try to get something for everyone of them. I will send you a picture when we get our first packages ready to go. This also has to be done on our own time personal time.