Delectable News and “Arrangement” Part 3
Delectable, the next Neighbor from Hell novel is officially done.
Well, if you don’t count final edits that is, lol. The book is up at iBooks,, and I believe Kobo for pre-order. If you have links for any of the other ebook stores that are selling it and would like to share, send me an email and I’ll add them.
The release date for this book is: August 1, 2018.
Thank you so much for your patience and… Read More
“Arrangement” Part II
“What did you just say?” Trevor asked slowly as her grip tightened on the sides of the bath as she told herself that she could do this.
Licking her lips, she choked out, “Arrangement,” and was instantly slammed with an unholy need to jump his bones, but she fought it with everything that she had. He’d betrayed her and this time, he wasn’t going to get off easy.
“I see,” he said as his lips pulled up into one of those devastating smiles that always had her heart skipping a beat and made it hard for her to keep her hands… Read More
“Arrangement” Part I
“Oh, shit!” Trevor whispered, throwing a panicked look at his wife to make sure that she was still sleeping only to find Shadow and Cujo watching him, looking bored as they took over his side of the bed while Kisses, and god did he hate that fucking name, was running around the bed, tongue hanging out, and tail wagging frantically as he tried to lure the other two dogs into playing with him.
Praying that he’d make it, he threw a panicked look at the bedroom door to find his children standing there, gesturing wildly for him to move his… Read More
Mother’s Day Special 2017
“I don’t think this is such a good idea,” Johnny said, looking like he was going to be sick as he leaned out the window.
Chuckling, Sebastian adjusted his bag over his shoulder and quickly made his way to the edge of the roof. “It will be fine,” he promised, stopping at the edge to double-check that he’d grabbed the money.
“Why don’t you just ask Dad to help?” his twin suggested.
“Because then he wouldn’t let me pay for it,” he pointed out, again, wondering why he had to explain this when they both knew what would happen.
Their father would make… Read More
Another Excerpt from Delectable…Probably the last one
From Delectable........
Adults only!!!
“I’m starving,” the naked woman currently draped over him grumbled, reminding him that they hadn’t had a chance to eat last night.
“Me, too,” he said, struggling to find the energy to get up and do something about it.
Nine times, he thought with a smile before frowning.
Or was it ten?
Deciding that it didn’t matter, he reached over and grabbed her cellphone off the nightstand and checked the time. It was after eight o’clock in the morning, he was starving, exhausted, and more than okay with passing out and sleeping away the rest of the… Read More
Excerpt from Delectable…..Cause I was kind of writing a sex scene today :)
“What time is it?” the woman tangled up in his arms mumbled into his chest.
“No clue,” he said, refusing to open his eyes and find out that this whole thing had been nothing more than a dream.
A refreshing, soul-mending, blissful dream where he got to hold the woman that he wanted more than his next breath in his arms and-
“Oh, hell,” he groaned when she suddenly turned in his arms and pressed her wiggling bottom against him, drawing a surprised hiss from him as his arm tightened around her, praying that she stopped all that wiggling that had him… Read More
Ask Whatever You Want Day
This weekend I've writing like crazy and I had to make a choice, write the Chronicle or keep writing.
I kept writing.
So, instead of putting an excerpt here to tease you, I figured we'd do a Q & A session. Anything that you've been wondering, wanted to know, etc. please post the question here.
Please keep in mind that there are some things that I can't answer, because it would ruin the books for people or what's about to come.
Other than that, ask away… Read More
Easter Surprise
“How many bags does that make?” Jason asked even as he stared down at the massive amount of empty plastic Easter eggs that needed to be filled for the Fire Department’s annual Easter egg hunt.
“Thirty-five bags,” Jodi, his cousin by marriage, mumbled from where she lay, curled up on the couch across from him with her hand resting on the large swell of her stomach.
“That’s what you said an hour ago,” Danny said, glaring down at his wife even as he reached over and covered her hand with his own.
“It would probably be easier to figure out how many… Read More
The Moment When You Realize the Truth About Joshua…
“I don’t fucking care!” the large Pyte anxiously pacing the deserted hotel parking lot snarled into his phone as Joshua watched him for another minute before he stepped back from the window and allowed the heavy curtain to fall back in place.
Dismissing the angry male, he turned his attention to the small woman curled up on the bed, nearly comatose as her body struggled to kill off the cancer that had followed her into immortality. Tilting his head to the side, he moved closer and sat down on the edge of the double bed, studying the small woman that… Read More