Ask Whatever You Want Day
This weekend I’ve writing like crazy and I had to make a choice, write the Chronicle or keep writing.
I kept writing.
So, instead of putting an excerpt here to tease you, I figured we’d do a Q & A session. Anything that you’ve been wondering, wanted to know, etc. please post the question here.
Please keep in mind that there are some things that I can’t answer, because it would ruin the books for people or what’s about to come.
Other than that, ask away 🙂
Are you going to write another EMS book
Yes, Michelle, the next book will be Nathan’s book. It’s already started and I hope to have it out in 2018 🙂
I’ve been waiting FOREVER for Nathan. Sooo happy.
YAY! I am so happy to hear this! 😀
Will we be seeing anymore emt series or black hearts series? I know you are working hard on the others but just wondering if there will be more of these. At least do Shane’s story please please please!!!
Yes, I am aiming for 2018 for both series 🙂 There should have been more books in the series already, but 2015 and 2016 were really messed up years here in the Mathewson household, lol. I am catching up on all the started contemporary books right now, because they need to get done so that I can stop thinking of them and then I can focus on Pyte/Cursed Hearts/EMS/and all the rest.
Awesome 🙂 that’s great I’m so excited. And sorry I posted this question 2 times opps…
Will we be seeing anymore ems
series or cursed hearts series? I know you are working hard on the others but just wondering if there will be more of these. At least do Shane’s story please please please!!!
Any plans for a m/m NFH book?
No, Robin 🙁
Sorry!!! That’s just not a genre that I would feel qualified to write.
Bummer. I think that would have been an interesting dynamic in the Bradford clan. I am looking forward to seeing more of both the Pyte and Cursed Heart series though. Keep writing, Chica! 😊
I’d never really thought about it but that’s a great idea. I’d love a m/m romance in the neighbors from hell series.
Just wondering……..are you thinking about writing a NFH book with all our beloved characters interacting…….like a Bradford family reunion….camping expedition etc????
Yes, ma’am 🙂 Cooking Lessons will be a follow up book for Trevor/Zoe and Jason/Haley as requested and I’ve been toying with a major book for the favorite characters.
Doing my happy dance. 😀
What are the plans for the Anger Management series?
Sharon, I have those started and they are on my To-Do list for this year 🙂
When will the next pyte book be?? I need more woman!!!
Lol, I have to get through the contemporaries that are already started and then I will be focusing on Pyte/Cursed Hearts and several others for next year.
Any chance of the audiobooks being released soon for the last 2 NFH books?
I always wondered if there was an inspiration behind the Bradfords obsession with food?
Are we ever going to find out what happened to Madison’s brother? I kinda felt bad for him.
Yes, yes you will, Michelle 🙂
Oh Thank goodness! Lol, I’ve been dreaming up all kinds of scenarios 🙂
Is Danni going to get cured? If so will it be intermingled with Joshua’s story?
Jenn, maybe……
that’s rather noncommittal :p
Didn’t Christopher fix things up? Don’t want to spoil things but I thought his blood was a miracle for a few people
I thought in one of the chronicles they were figuring Chritofers blood wasn’t working anymore. Maybe I’m remembering wrong.
You are correct, Misty 🙂
It did at first, but remember, this cancer followed her into immortality. It learned and adapted and now…
I will tease you for a while 🙂
When will the next book be released? Since you are writing them all kinda at the same time will all the books come out at the same time!? I think you should because I’m ready for the next book in the NFH series and the next book in the pyte/ sentinel series!! I’m just ready for them all! I feel like a stalker since I just your Facebook page like 20 times a day hoping for something more than a teaser!!!
Lol, I worked on them until I knew what I wanted to write. I am currently completely focused on Delectable. When this is done it will Aidan’s book and then finish the Anger Management books, etc. I have 6 or 8 contemporary books that I am working on and want to finish. When they are done I will be focused on the paranormal books and the other ones that I am dying to write 🙂
Apart from the 2 you are working on, are there any more bradfords for the NFH series? Or just the mini bradfords.
There are two other NFH books already started besides these and the NFH YA book series 🙂
I love that you always going baby brood of the Bradfords. I waiting for Bradford that denies his/her obsession of food. The Bradford that is always on diet
Ok that would be hilarious .
When will Jill’s book be published? Can we get some previews?
Hey, Daisy 🙂
Her book is not started yet, but it will come right after Kale’s book. We’re most likely looking at 2018 for the books.
We recently learned Haley is preggers again. Will Zoe decide she wants one more evil genius too?
Lol, I’m not sure what is going to happen with our two favorite ladies. I am working on it 🙂
Oh my gosh! Yes! That would be fantastic…Both Bradford ladies pregnant at the same time!! I can imagine the food fights!! Hehe😂 Yay!! I’m so excited!
When will your next book be released?
I’m not sure yet, Megan. I am working on Delectable right now and hope to have it and Aidan’s book out this summer 🙂
Will you be putting the chronicles into 1 book format?
Every year they are placed into an ebook 🙂 I will probably them in print soon.
I love the Bradford. I’m wonder though is this an open series or do you already see yourself giving them an ending?
I honestly don’t see it yet. When it comes time to say goodbye I plan on giving them the ending that they deserve, Miriam 🙂
I’m glad. I have all your books and to me it doesn’t make a difference who you write. I love them all!
Will you be planning any continuations of Hollywood Hearts stories? Will we get to see more of Jamie and Nick?
Who are to parents to the kids in your Y/A books?
Yes, yes we will 🙂
The next HH book is already started and will be worked on this year.
Trevor and Zoe are Sebastian’s parents. You haven’t met the parents of the Pyte YA series yet.
Have you ever thought about having the NFH and the Pytes bumping (something funny) Into each other in a small crossover?
Lol, I don’t think it would work. In one world things are normal and there is no such thing as a Pyte and in the other…
Hey, everybody’s got to eat! Lol 🙂
When is Kales or another pyte book coming out? Slowing been losing my mind to read.
In 2018. I am trying to play catchup with everything that was supposed to come out in the last two to three years. It’s been crazy. I will do my best and make the wait worth it.
What is Danny’s Mom (Mary) job?
She’s the boss, of course 😉
The boss of what woman!?!?!😭😭😭😭I’m been driving myself crazy trying to figure it out and the post is still up 😭😭😭😭
Lol, she’s the mom, the wife, the one that holds them all together.
I know it’s would probably be a hard flight to do with the kids, but do you think you will get to come to Australia one day?
Conner and Rory are one of my all time favorites, mainly because of their pranks. Will they have be in any more stories? Maybe they team up and for master planning against other family members or mean neighbors?
They will be in more stories, Sammy 🙂 Not sure what they’ll be up to yet 🙂
When & where can we meet you?
Well, we’re allowed visitors here every Thursday, but if I ask the warden he might let me arrange a special meeting 🙂
I have nothing planned this year. Taking a year to catch up with work. Next year I have a signing in Key West 🙂
What are some you your favorite books? Your favorite authors?
Lothaire by Kresley Cole is probably my favorite book. G.A. Aiken, Gena Showalter, Kresley Cole, Julia Quinn are some of my favorites 🙂
I love Kresley cole!
Did you get a title for the new series you post about the genius pre teen in high school?
Love your books looking forward to the next one
The one where she is trapped by high school seniors? That was the prologue. The book series is adult and it’s going to be called, “Houseguest from Hell”
Do you think you’d ever do Ethan and Mary or Jared and Megan’s stories? Or maybe Rory’s dad, David?
Jared and Megan are definitely getting their own story. I’m not sure about the others yet.
Will there be any more Hollywood Heart novels?
Yes, the next book is already started 🙂
Have you ever written something under a nom de plume, that I could read until you are finished Delectable?
I could say yes, but…, no. I am working as fast as I can 🙂 I will make the wait worth it, I hope 🙂
I love all your books about the Bradford’s. I love the pranks they pull on each other. Will you be writing more about them. I know the kids are growing up and I try to remember who they belong to, and who is married to whom. Just keep them coming. Thanks
Can you tell me a bit more about Trevor’s relationship with his daughter? We only get to see his relationship with his sons and I’d like to know more about him and his daughter. Could you maybe write a chronicle about it? ☺ And, by the way, I love your books. I just want you to know your efforts are way beyond appreciated ☺
Trevor has had quite a few Chronicles with his baby girl 🙂 He’s dressed up as a princess for her, done the whole Easter Egg hunt with her, etc. She’s just not the focus, because Sebastian is. He will be the one getting his own series so you will be seeing him more and more.
How did you come up with the Bradford food addition?
Lol, it honestly just wrote itself. I don’t know. Jason just came to life that way.
Is the Only Bradford Girl going to get a book? I can’t remember if you said.
Mac? She’s not the only Bradford girl and she will 🙂 Rory is a Bradford as well. There are more cousins 🙂
I meant of Danny’s siblings. Is Mac’s eating going to be more inline with the rest of the Bradfords? Love your work. I recommend you to everyone.
Lol, I haven’t decided about Mac just yet. I figure we’ll wait and see how her character develops 🙂
I just finished reading the Hollywood Heart series and they were amazing can’t wait for more books based on this series , well in general I can’t wait for any of your books especially those Bradford’s 😁😍😄
I can’t wait for your next book, no matter what series it is. But I really want to know is when are the audio books for the completed books are going to be available?
Hi, Rose,
I’m still waiting to hear about them, too. I will send in an email again today.
Just wanted to enquire about the timeline for the next pregnancy in the pyre/sentinel series? I love a good 😊 baby x
Hi, Maddie 🙂
Drew’s child? You will most likely see that come to term in Jill’s book 🙂 But, I could be wrong. I don’t want to force it so I am going to say, it will come when it comes 🙂
😁☺️ good good 😊 Xx
Will Danni b cured ???
This is one of those questions that I cannot answer, because it would end up giving you information that would spoil the storyline for you.
Would you ever consider doing a cross over between the EMS and NFH series?! I’d love to see a Bradford being treated for something (not too serious) by them!
Hi, Samantha 🙂
Probably not, lol. I like to keep the series separate, less confusing for readers 🙂
Will you ever publish a Bradford family tree? There are so many of them it can be a little confusing to know who belongs with who, especially now with the kids joining the party😁
We have one under the Reader tab, but I am planning on doing something on the website 🙂
Could you link to that please? Because I was going to ask that same question, I’d love a family tree for all the connections/new kids/etc. I tried to look where you said, but the website keeps redirecting me when I click the Readers tab.
Side note, 63% on the book progress bars today?!! Yummy approves and so do I!! 🙂 You may take a small cookie break as a reward. The break is small, not the cookie. No one deserves a small cookie. That’s just torture. Lol
Sorry, just getting caught up on the Chronicles.
OMG…LOL!! I’ve been drafting my own NFH family tree. Have some different info., but WOW the detail this reader went into is extremely impressive!! Very cool read to see all this information charted out. Thank you R.L. and “Reader”.
OMG! I was going to ask about the Bradford family tree too!!!
I just wanna make sure I know who is older than who or the date of their birthdays.
Also, I would love to read a little bit more of Elizabeth and Robert’s story. Maybe a chronicle?
Totally would love a chronicle for Robert and Elizabeth. If you do it then you can have 2 cookies 😜
I was just wondering if the cousins from the checkmate story her brothers if they were going to get a story?
Yes, they are 🙂
If you could have one of your books turned into a movie what one would you choose?
Playing for Keeps 🙂 I would love to see Jason and Haley come to life 🙂
So… What happened to Trevor and Zoey’s dogs? Haha. Sorry. Been wondering the whole time. BTW. I love your books.
They’ve been mentioned a few times in the Chronicles. I’ll add them especially in this book for you, Camille 🙂
Hey, so I’m a bit late to this party😶 but i was wondering if Sebastian will be the only Bradford spawn to get a book… I’d love to see Trevor or Jason deal with the boyfriends of their daughters, or even better Chris meeting the future spouse of his precious little girl😂😂😂😂😂
As of right now, yes. But you may see that kind of thing along the way 😉
Totally late (I’m always like that). How do you keep all these characters straight? It’s difficult for me at times. I know some authors have notebooks and such but you have more than enough to keep track of. Does each character have their own notebook?
Hi, Jess 🙂
It’s hard sometimes. I do a lot of rechecking, rereading. I mostly double check to make sure that each character is different, with their own experiences, personality, etc. It is getting to the point that I need a good notebook though 🙂
Hi Ino it’s late and not so much a question but I love the NFH series so much and have been waiting forever for the next one can’t wait for reese’s story! I love that you have a percentage letting us know how far along you are! Stay awesome r.l!!
So I’ve been checking on here every day, as well as amazon and iBooks……. when can we get that last percent on Delectable? I am DYING! Any thoughts as to when we may have a release date???? Or even the chance to pre-order?
I love all your books and I’m especially excited for Kale’s story. Who are the men waiting in Ashley’s apartment? Is it the boys or someone else? Will Jill’s story will be about her and Logan? because I honestly loved their friendship and their scenes.
And will we see Joshua in Kale’s or Jill’s story or will we have to wait for a story of his own? I also have a theory that Ashley is like Joshua half pyte & half wwolf but instead of being made/turned she was born like that.
Thank you very much, Yolanda 🙂 Lol, I can’t tell you! I’d wreck it for you. Yes, for Jill and Logan. Hopefully for Joshua. Hmmmm on the last….