Maternity Leave
Part VII
An R.L. Mathewson Chronicle
“Where’s the baby, Mommy?” Abbi demanded, her glare never leaving Charlie as she continued giving the kitten in her arms baby kisses.
“We were promised a baby, Mommy,” Dustin reminded her as he climbed onto the chair next to her with a disappointed sigh and a coloring book.
“Is no one concerned about your father?” Charlie couldn’t help but wonder as she gestured to Devin, who really wasn’t looking so good. Blinking, the twins slowly turned their heads and looked at Devin, who was sitting in the corner hugging a box of cupcakes from Dixon’s bakery against his chest and mumbling, “I need sustenance,” over and over again.
“You broke him,” T.J. said, not really sounding all that concerned as he helped himself to a Coke from the fridge.
“It was bound to happen sooner or later,” Ben said as he dropped the bag of jelly donuts that he’d picked up for her on the table, thinking that she was going to need it to get through the joys of labor.
“This really just isn’t working for me,” Lucifer said with a sad shake of his head as he shoved T.J. out of the way so that he could reorganize the refrigerator, again.
“Tell me again why you picked them up early from school,” Charlie said, helping herself to a rather plump jelly donut from the bag that promised to be extra tasty.
“Because I was following the plan,” Ben said as they watched Devin reach into the box with a trembling hand for another cupcake, only to panic when he found the box empty.
“Oh, god…oh, god, no…” Devin said, shoving the empty box away as he noticeably swallowed, his panicked gaze moving around the kitchen and-
Left her frowning when he reached over and plucked the donut from her hand and shoved it in his mouth with a muttered, “I need sustenance,” and a firm nod before grabbing the Coke from T.J. and returning to his corner where he continued mumbling.
“I see, and, umm, who put this plan together?” Charlie asked, starting to become concerned about her husband.
“The man currently mumbling incoherently to himself,” Ben said, gesturing to Devin, who really wasn’t looking so good.
Then again, neither was Aidan, Charlie thought, helping herself to another jelly donut as she glanced at her husband’s cousin and couldn’t help but wonder how they were going to explain this to Melanie. At least he’d stopped glaring, she told herself only to wonder if that was a good thing as he stood up and-
Dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes with a soft grunt.
That definitely couldn’t be good, Charlie thought as she pulled her phone out of her pocket and sent a quick text to Ethan letting him know that they’d broken his son. Once that was done, she put her phone down and-
“Are you okay, Mommy?” Dustin asked, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth as he glanced down at the floor. Frowning, Charlie followed his gaze and quickly decided that she definitely was not okay when she saw the puddle of water on the floor beneath her.

Revenge and fate come together in the seventh installment of the Pyte/Sentinel Series as New York Times bestselling author R.L. Mathewson tells the story of how one of the deadliest shifters in our world is finally brought to his knees.
He couldn’t kill her.
Their mating mark would never allow it, but it would allow him to walk away and never look back. But that wasn’t a choice, not when Kale knew just how dangerous his mate could become if she ever lost control. His plan is simple, keep her safe, out of his way, and focus on the only thing that mattered. He didn’t need her, didn’t want her, and…
He couldn’t stop thinking about her.
No matter how many times Kale tries, he can’t stay away from her and god, does he try. With a bounty on his head and shifters, demons, and vampires doing everything they could to find him, the last thing that Kale needs is to fall in love with his mate.
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
No one was supposed to find her. At least, that was the plan, but somehow the incredibly sexy shifter that loved to glare had found her and now…
She was finally where she belonged.
The only problem was, Ashley had no idea why, but she wasn’t going to complain. Not when things were finally making sense. What she was going to do was pretend that the shifter that hated her didn’t make her want things that she couldn’t have. She just needed to lay low, pretend that she had no idea why anyone would be after her, and hope that her secrets didn’t tear them apart.
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From bestselling author R.L. Mathewson comes the sixth installment of the Pyte/Sentinel Series…
For readers who enjoy paranormal romance with a twist.
For three centuries, Trace waited for this moment, imagined all the things that he would do to the Pack that tried to kill him, and now that he was free…
All he could think about was the woman that he’d claimed as his own. She was everything that he’d always wanted and once he had his revenge, he would make her his.
Sam had resigned herself to a lot of things over the years, being the town joke, blacking out at inopportune moments, and living with a dog that hated her, but what she hadn’t planned on was suddenly finding five large men destroying her basement, looking for a tomb that she never knew existed. In one moment, her life changed forever, leaving her to wonder how she was going to make it out of this alive.
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