It's Not Spam! Long Story...
Dear Reader,
So, some of you have received an email, which looks a bit iffy from this website, but I promise you that it’s not spam. What happened was that we realized after updating the website that something wasn’t quite right with the Chronicles. It took us a bit to realize that something was that they weren’t getting delivered. So, John, our awesome website guy, tried to find out why. It turned out that the plug-in responsible for delivering the Chronicles was no longer working because the developers abandoned it without a word and stopped doing updates. Some of you have no received Chronicles in a very long time and I apologize for that.
John was able to find a new plug-in to fix this and order for the subscribers who signed up to receive the Chronicles to get them, he transferred the signups to the new plug-in. That new plug-in decided that the best way to let everyone know that their signup had been successfully transferred was to send out an email that definitely looked questionable. A lot of readers weren’t sure what it was, thought it was spam, the site hacked, etc. I posted online, but FB isn’t great about making sure that everyone gets the messages.
If you received a weird email about a new login/password, please do not worry. It’s just letting you know that you are all set to continue receiving the Chronicles. We are going to be doing a little more cleanup on our end and see where this goes.
Sorry about the confusion.
Thank you for the clarification!!
Oh, bless you! How annoying it must be.
Give John a whoopie pie.
I didn’t get the email and now I can’t find the chronicles.
Hi, Sheila,
I’ve held off on doing the Chronicles for a bit to make sure the new system was finished. I’m doing one for Kale tonight so if you don’t get that, it will need a new sign up. There have been no new newsletters for the past month to catch up with Kale and the website issues that I believe are fixed now. I’ll keep everyone update 🙂
Wondered what had happened!