Horrible Time Management Skills
I’d like to apologize to those who have taken the time to write me and have not received a reply yet. I am working on it, but I got sidetracked with this editing project. I will read and reply to each and every email as soon as I can 🙂
Please could you tell me if your writing another pyte/sentinal book? I have all your books there brilliant, and funny and heart warming….. Cant wait for Checkmate x
RL does plan on writing more Pyte/Sentinel books, never fear!!! We will hopefully have the next one out sometime next year. I promise to keep everyone informed 🙂
We all have our off days, weeks, months. 😉 As long as we know what to work on and try to do better I don’t think anyone can ask for more. We are only human. I love your books and appreciate all the work you do for others. Thank you for being the wonderful lady you are.
I emailed you on August 18th and still haven’t heard anything back yet… 🙁 Anywho, love your books! I can’t get enough!
Ashlee, RL is really good about answering all her readers email, at this time she has over a hundred emails to read and respond to. She will get to yours at some point. Right now her main focus is finishing up Checkmate, at the same time we are planning her signing in florida. She is also a mother of 2 children. She will get back to you. Thank you for understanding.